Course Proposal FormPlease fill out the form below to let Theresa know about what course you’d like to teach! Instructor name * First Name Last Name Instructor's email * Select semester when you'd like to teach the course. Fall Semester 2022 Spring Semester 2023 Summer 2023 Fall Semester 2023 Spring Semester 2024 Name of the class? Choose a name that is simple and descriptive, therefore understandable for our customers. How many students do you want in the classroom? What days and times of the week you'd like to teach the course? For what age is this course intended to? Please write a description of your course for our customers. Make sure to be descriptive so that someone who doesn't understand the topic can get an idea. Include projects students will finish within the course. What days of the week you'd be available to teach? Check all options that you would be available, this will help Theresa with scheduling. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday What time of the day would you like to teach? Write all blocks of time you'd be available to teach during. How much do you want to get paid for teaching this course? Make sure you're accounting for your prep time, teaching time, and materials. How long is one session? How many sessions are a part of a full course? Are you able to do one-session drop-ins? Thank you!